
Binder titled "Index for Canterbury's Real Estate" next to floorplan, measuring tape, and a calculator

The Assessor's office is primarily responsible for preparing the Town's Grand List. The Grand List is generated each year in January or February and is a record of all taxable and tax-exempt property as of Oct 1st. Taxable property includes real estate and personal property, including motor vehicles. The office is also responsible for maintaining the assessor maps and data about all properties, and for applying tax exemptions or reduction programs such as the veterans, disabled, elderly, blind, and PA 490 programs. Please call or email the Assessor for information about these programs.

Please email or call to make arrangements in advance if you require access to the assessor's records or an appointment for a tax reduction program application.


When viewing Mapping Data, please be aware that online data may not yet reflect deed or survey map changes filed after October 1, 2022.  Changes are typically made annually for the previous tax year.  Survey maps filed with the Town Clerk may not be reflected until the following scheduled update.

Therefore, the tax maps are NOT to be used for legal purposes as accuracy at any given time cannot be guaranteed.

When viewing Parcel Data, please be aware that online data is only updated a few times a year and may not yet reflect deed or map changes currently in process.



Click HERE for how to fix it!


The staff members from Vision Government Solutions Inc.

began inspections and quality control review for the Revaluation.

As we are required to inspect only 50% of the properties this year, they are not going to every property on every street.  You may see them working in your area, but they may not knock on your door.

If you have been contacted by mail to make an appointment for an interior inspection, please call 888-844-4300 to schedule one.

Data Collector and Reviewer Information:  

Kaluska (Luke) Ohlund
Two vehicle options: 
2007  Audi A4
CT plate # AM-55926
2001 Ford Ranger
CT plate #2AAWBB

Mary Kate Moody

2018 Nissan Rogue

Color Black

CT Plate AR09659

June Perry

2010 Honda Crosstour 

Color- Maroon

MA License #255EE7

Forms and Applications

Board of Appeals Petition for Hearing- Closed for the 2023 Grand List

Assessor's Office


Assessor's Office
1 Municipal Drive
Canterbury, CT 06331
United States

View in Google Maps

41.69747785, -71.993359245839